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浏览模式: 标准 | 列表2011年09月5日的文章

来自官方:‘Extract Function/Method’ refactoring for PHP

refactor,这种重构,其实在ZS和NETBEANS 中效果并没有现在这个软件(phpstorm)那么明显。看看它的功能就知道了。
We are working hard on new features for PhpStorm 2.1, and the ‘Extract Function/Method’ refactoring for PHP is one of them. This feature has been available since the first PhpStorm 2.1 EAP(106.444), and we are looking forward for your feedback.

Picture 1b: Select an expression

Invoke the refactoring from the menu ‘Refactor -> Extract Method‘ or using  a hotkey. The default hotkey is Ctrl+Alt+M for Windows/Linux and Cmd+Opt+M for Mac.
Depending on the context of the selected code fragment, ‘Extract method’ (the  code fragment is inside a method) (Picture 2b) or ‘Extract Function’(the code fragment is inside a function or script) (Picture 2a).

Picture 2a: ‘Extract Function’ dialog

Picture 2b: ‘Extract Method’ dialog

Enter the name of the new function/method. Press OK.

Picture 3a:  The code fragment is replaced with a function call statement

Picture 3b: The expression is replaced with a method call expression

Picture 4a: Definition of the extracted function

Picture 4b: Definition of the extracted method

Develop with pleasure!
看完上面的内容,你是否觉 得,原来重构也可以这样简单?

Tags: phpstorm, refactor