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Time machine For Ubuntu

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好吧,传统的来了,摘录,上原文,好象很多人说过我了,说我就是一个摘抄王,哎,每天都没做什么 ,哪有什么经验可以记录呢?所以,只有多看其他的东西,然后如果觉得有用的就记录一下喽。当然如果自己有心得了,也还是会记录的。

又多说了很多废话,顺便上个广告,http://www.thinkinlamp.com上面的每月通讯里面有好多好多不错的文章 。然后,还可以在上面下载一些thinkinlamp聚会时,一些大牛出的PPT以及视频哦。有时候好想下载回来呀。。。(等啥时候有时间了,问问三马看看)。好吧,上原文了。


While most people may feel that backing up the files and system is a troublesome and difficult task, Mac OSX Leopard’s Time machine has made it really simple for its users to use. You just need to plug in your external drive and an initial configuration, the Time machine will then be automated in the background.

In Ubuntu (and other Linux distro), you can also get a Time machine equivalent via Timevault and Flyback.

Both Timevault and Flyback make snapshot of your hard drive at regular interval and allow you to restore the backup in the event that your hard drive crashes, or loss of particular files. Both have a simple graphical interface so its users won’t have to use the command line to backup their system (though you still can’t find the 3D interface in Time machine).

The advantage of Timevault is that it is able to integrate into the nautilus and users can easily access the snapshot and history with a click in their nautilus icon bar. Timevault is not included in the Ubuntu repository, but its installation is made easy with a GDebi installer software package. Installation is a breeze and configuration is quite intuitive, though you have to relogin to your Ubuntu to access to the nautilus integration.
Installation guide []

大小: 72.81 K
尺寸: 497 x 376
浏览: 1746 次

Flyback is the lightweight version of Timevault. It does not integrate with nautilus, but it provides a live view of your current snapshot and a previous snapshot. There is no installation required, except for updating some Python libraries.
Installation guide []

大小: 207.65 K
尺寸: 465 x 376
浏览: 1780 次

Both Timevault and Flyback are free to download and use.


看看,原来人家从UBUNTU 7就有了,而我这个新手却居然还什么 都不知道。哎。OUT了

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Tags: timemachine, ubuntu, mac

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