然而部份菜单却是方框,查了一些资料,发现是中文字体的问题,于是,将Windows下的宋体(simsun.ttc)拷贝过来,改名为: LucidaSansRegular.ttf,覆盖掉:/usr/local/Zend/ZendStudio-5.5.1/jre/lib/fonts 下的同名文件。
- unlink /usr/local/Zend/ZendStudio-5.5.1/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaSansRegular.ttf
- cp /media/disk/WINDOWS/Fonts/simsun.ttc /usr/local/Zend/ZendStudio-5.5.1/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaSansRegular.ttf
安装了ubuntu之后,立马安装上了zendstudio 5.5 结果出现空白屏幕,以为是不兼容呢。也就没注意。然后安装了一个 ZS for eclipse 6,一切正常。更加肯定了自己的机器与ZS5的不兼容。
Zend Studio starts up with an empty window, or other GUI problems, due to XGL-Compiz/Beryl (with JRE) compatibility issues
Article #241
Product: Zend Studio
When running Zend Studio:
1. The ZS's main window comes up totally empty.
2. Sometimes the window has some of the frames painted, but the rest of the window is empty.
3. In the empty ZS window the mouse cursor is changing while moving around the window (as if there are objects: like buttons and other objects).
4. There were erratic mouse/window movements reported.
Zend Studio starts up with various windowing GUI problems in some linux distros, while using the XGL-Compiz/Beryl product.
1. Incompatibility between the XGL environment, the JRE, and the Zend Studio Client.
2. The decoration in the 3D environment clashes with the Java Runtime and distorts the operation and visualization of the Zend Studio client's window.
There are two ways to execute Zend Studio, by running the ZDE script, and by running the runStudio_unix.sh script, both are in the bin directory of zend studio
(usually /usr/local/Zend/ZendStudio-/bin)
The following workarounds may be used, but there is no guarantee how well or how long it might work for you in your environment.
- modification of ZDE script for xgl:
1. Open your ZDE script with your favorite editor
2. add the next line of code at line 1693.
options="$options -Dawt.toolkit=sun.awt.motif.MToolkit"
for example:
1694: debugOut ""
1696: if [ $DO_NOT_FORK ]
1693: options="$options -Dawt.toolkit=sun.awt.motif.MToolkit"
1694: debugOut ""
1696: if [ $DO_NOT_FORK ]
3. Save the file.
- modification of runStudio_unix.sh script for xgl:
1. open the the file in your favorite editor.
2. modify the java execution line,
the line starts with: ../jre/bin/java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -cp...
change it to: ../jre/bin/java -Dawt.toolkit=sun.awt.motif.MToolkit -Xms16m -Xmx256m -cp...
as you can see, the only difference is an extra parameter to the java program.
3. Save the file.
Another solution
the AWT_TOOLKIT environment variable can be set in order for Java to choose a working AWT Toolkit.
export AWT_TOOLKIT="MToolkit"
In most Linux Distributions it's enough to append this line to /etc/profile.
The information in this article applies to
Zend Studio Client
Common Problems
On some amd64 based systems, the motif toolkit will not work, complaining that "current locale is not supported in X11".
A solution for this case is to set the XLOCALELIBDIR environment variable to the X11 32 bit locale
directory of your system.
Ubuntu Distribution users will find it at: /usr/lib32/X11/locale.
Ubuntu users can use the following as a startup-script:
export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
export XLOCALELIBDIR=/usr/lib32/X11/locale
exec ZendStudio-5.5.0/Zend_Development_Environment
- more information can be found:
Zend Studio, ZS, ZDE, IDE, Installation, XGL, Compiz, Beryl, unsupported, blank, empty, window, decoration,xgl
Last Updated: 2008-01-07 09:50:08