Submitted by gouki on 2011, September 28, 1:29 PM
- Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0
Tags: mysql, connection, navicat
DataBase | 评论:2
| 阅读:43218
Submitted by gouki on 2011, September 27, 12:07 PM
Tags: mysql, root, 黑客
DataBase | 评论:0
| 阅读:15726
Submitted by gouki on 2011, August 18, 10:57 PM
The Nested Set Model
What I would like to focus on in this article is a different approach, commonly referred to as the Nested Set Model. In the Nested Set Model, we can look at our hierarchy in a new way, not as nodes and lines, but as nested containers. Try picturing our electronics categories this way:
Notice how our hierarchy is still maintained, as parent categories envelop their children.We represent this form of hierarchy in a table through the use of left and right values to represent the nesting of our nodes:
CREATE TABLE nested_category ( category_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, lft INT NOT NULL, rgt INT NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO nested_category VALUES(1,'ELECTRONICS',1,20),(2,'TELEVISIONS',2,9),(3,'TUBE',3,4), (4,'LCD',5,6),(5,'PLASMA',7,8),(6,'PORTABLE ELECTRONICS',10,19),(7,'MP3 PLAYERS',11,14),(8,'FLASH',12,13), (9,'CD PLAYERS',15,16),(10,'2 WAY RADIOS',17,18); SELECT * FROM nested_category ORDER BY category_id; +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+ | category_id | name | lft | rgt | +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+ | 1 | ELECTRONICS | 1 | 20 | | 2 | TELEVISIONS | 2 | 9 | | 3 | TUBE | 3 | 4 | | 4 | LCD | 5 | 6 | | 5 | PLASMA | 7 | 8 | | 6 | PORTABLE ELECTRONICS | 10 | 19 | | 7 | MP3 PLAYERS | 11 | 14 | | 8 | FLASH | 12 | 13 | | 9 | CD PLAYERS | 15 | 16 | | 10 | 2 WAY RADIOS | 17 | 18 | +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+
We use lft and rgt because left and right are reserved words in MySQL, see for the full list of reserved words.
So how do we determine left and right values? We start numbering at the leftmost side of the outer node and continue to the right:
This design can be applied to a typical tree as well:
When working with a tree, we work from left to right, one layer at a time, descending to each node’s children before assigning a right-hand number and moving on to the right. This approach is called the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm.
Tags: mysql, 无限分类
DataBase | 评论:1
| 阅读:17736
Submitted by gouki on 2011, July 13, 10:30 PM
上回说到了用经纬度范围实现附近地点搜索。 一些小型应用中这样做没问题,但在大型应用中它有个显著的缺点:速度慢。慢的原因有两个, 第一是范围比较的索引利用率并不高,第二是SQL语句极其不稳定(不同的当前位置会产生完全不同的SQL查询),很难缓存。
首先,geohash用一个字符串表示经度和纬度两个坐标。某些情况下无法在两列上同时应用索引 (例如MySQL 4之前的版本,Google App Engine的数据层等),利用geohash,只需在一列上应用索引即可。
其次,geohash表示的并不是一个点,而是一个矩形区域。比如编码wx4g0ec19,它表示的是一个矩形区域。 使用者可以发布地址编码,既能表明自己位于北海公园附近,又不至于暴露自己的精确坐标,有助于隐私保护。
第三,编码的前缀可以表示更大的区域。例如wx4g0ec1,它的前缀wx4g0e表示包含编码wx4g0ec1在内的更大范围。 这个特性可以用于附近地点搜索。首先根据用户当前坐标计算geohash(例如wx4g0ec1)然后取其前缀进行查询 (SELECT * FROM place WHERE geohash LIKE 'wx4g0e%'),即可查询附近的所有地点。
下面以(39.92324, 116.3906)为例,介绍一下geohash的编码算法。首先将纬度范围(-90, 90)平分成两个区间(-90, 0)、(0, 90), 如果目标纬度位于前一个区间,则编码为0,否则编码为1。由于39.92324属于(0, 90),所以取编码为1。然后再将(0, 90)分成 (0, 45), (45, 90)两个区间,而39.92324位于(0, 45),所以编码为0。以此类推,直到精度符合要求为止,得到纬度编码为1011 1000 1100 0111 1001。
纬度范围 |
划分区间0 |
划分区间1 |
39.92324所属区间 |
(-90, 90) |
(-90, 0.0) |
(0.0, 90) |
1 |
(0.0, 90) |
(0.0, 45.0) |
(45.0, 90) |
0 |
(0.0, 45.0) |
(0.0, 22.5) |
(22.5, 45.0) |
1 |
(22.5, 45.0) |
(22.5, 33.75) |
(33.75, 45.0) |
1 |
(33.75, 45.0) |
(33.75, 39.375) |
(39.375, 45.0) |
1 |
(39.375, 45.0) |
(39.375, 42.1875) |
(42.1875, 45.0) |
0 |
(39.375, 42.1875) |
(39.375, 40.7812) |
(40.7812, 42.1875) |
0 |
(39.375, 40.7812) |
(39.375, 40.0781) |
(40.0781, 40.7812) |
0 |
(39.375, 40.0781) |
(39.375, 39.7265) |
(39.7265, 40.0781) |
1 |
(39.7265, 40.0781) |
(39.7265, 39.9023) |
(39.9023, 40.0781) |
1 |
(39.9023, 40.0781) |
(39.9023, 39.9902) |
(39.9902, 40.0781) |
0 |
(39.9023, 39.9902) |
(39.9023, 39.9462) |
(39.9462, 39.9902) |
0 |
(39.9023, 39.9462) |
(39.9023, 39.9243) |
(39.9243, 39.9462) |
0 |
(39.9023, 39.9243) |
(39.9023, 39.9133) |
(39.9133, 39.9243) |
1 |
(39.9133, 39.9243) |
(39.9133, 39.9188) |
(39.9188, 39.9243) |
1 |
(39.9188, 39.9243) |
(39.9188, 39.9215) |
(39.9215, 39.9243) |
1 |
经度也用同样的算法,对(-180, 180)依次细分,得到116.3906的编码为1101 0010 1100 0100 0100。
经度范围 |
划分区间0 |
划分区间1 |
116.3906所属区间 |
(-180, 180) |
(-180, 0.0) |
(0.0, 180) |
1 |
(0.0, 180) |
(0.0, 90.0) |
(90.0, 180) |
1 |
(90.0, 180) |
(90.0, 135.0) |
(135.0, 180) |
0 |
(90.0, 135.0) |
(90.0, 112.5) |
(112.5, 135.0) |
1 |
(112.5, 135.0) |
(112.5, 123.75) |
(123.75, 135.0) |
0 |
(112.5, 123.75) |
(112.5, 118.125) |
(118.125, 123.75) |
0 |
(112.5, 118.125) |
(112.5, 115.312) |
(115.312, 118.125) |
1 |
(115.312, 118.125) |
(115.312, 116.718) |
(116.718, 118.125) |
0 |
(115.312, 116.718) |
(115.312, 116.015) |
(116.015, 116.718) |
1 |
(116.015, 116.718) |
(116.015, 116.367) |
(116.367, 116.718) |
1 |
(116.367, 116.718) |
(116.367, 116.542) |
(116.542, 116.718) |
0 |
(116.367, 116.542) |
(116.367, 116.455) |
(116.455, 116.542) |
0 |
(116.367, 116.455) |
(116.367, 116.411) |
(116.411, 116.455) |
0 |
(116.367, 116.411) |
(116.367, 116.389) |
(116.389, 116.411) |
1 |
(116.389, 116.411) |
(116.389, 116.400) |
(116.400, 116.411) |
0 |
(116.389, 116.400) |
(116.389, 116.394) |
(116.394, 116.400) |
0 |
接下来将经度和纬度的编码合并,奇数位是纬度,偶数位是经度,得到编码 11100 11101 00100 01111 00000 01101 01011 00001。
最后,用0-9、b-z(去掉a, i, l, o)这32个字母进行base32编码,得到(39.92324, 116.3906)的编码为wx4g0ec1。
十进制 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
base32 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
b |
c |
d |
e |
f |
g |
十进制 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
base32 |
h |
j |
k |
m |
n |
p |
q |
r |
s |
t |
u |
v |
w |
x |
y |
z |
解码算法与编码算法相反,先进行base32解码,然后分离出经纬度,最后根据二进制编码对经纬度范围进行细分即可,这里不再赘述。 不过由于geohash表示的是区间,编码越长越精确,但不可能解码出完全一致的地址。
geohash的最大用途就是附近地址搜索了。不过,从geohash的编码算法中可以看出它的一个缺点:位于格子边界两侧的两点, 虽然十分接近,但编码会完全不同。实际应用中,可以同时搜索当前格子周围的8个格子,即可解决这个问题。
>>> import geohash >>> geohash.encode(39.92324, 116.3906, 5) # 编码,5表示编码长度 'wx4g0' >>> geohash.expand('wx4g0') # 求wx4g0格子及周围8个格子的编码 ['wx4ep', 'wx4g1', 'wx4er', 'wx4g2', 'wx4g3', 'wx4dz', 'wx4fb', 'wx4fc', 'wx4g0']
SELECT * FROM place WHERE geohash LIKE 'wx4g0%';
而前缀匹配可以利用geohash列上的索引,因此查询速度不会太慢。另外,即使用户坐标发生微小的变化, 也能编码成相同的geohash,这就保证了每次执行相同的SQL语句,使得缓存命中率大大提高。
Tags: mysql, geohash
DataBase | 评论:1
| 阅读:27358
Submitted by gouki on 2010, December 28, 4:35 PM
如果数据库中没有什么太过重要的数据,每隔一段时间还是清除一下binlog吧。这玩意,对于没重要数据的人来说,实在没有意义 。。。。
怎么清除bin log呢?先进入数据库命令行
show master logs;
purge master logs to 'mysql-bin.000010';
Tags: innodb, mysql, binlog
DataBase | 评论:0
| 阅读:17762